At Faith Community Church, we believe that our purpose is to bring glory to God by "making disciples who plant the church." Faith Training is a way for Christians to participate in a community of believers, led by Godly men and women qualified to teach, committed to learning the truth from God's word, for the purpose of being equipped to more effectively participate in our purpose as a church. Whatever the topic of study, our classes will be fun, Bible-saturated studies that will connect you with other believers and prepare you for the work of the ministry, in your homes, in this church, in our community, and whatever the Lord takes you.
To quote the Master, “Come and you will see.”
Check out our current classes!
January 12 - February 16
Sunday School Class Option 1
Teacher: Pastor Patrick Mostek
Description: This class will include both a time for video and discussion.
Video Description: The gospel message of "Christ crucified" has always been offensive. In our culture it is common for preachers to soften the offense of the cross, and the attributes of God that are displayed in the person and work of Jesus Christ. "American Gospel: Christ Crucified" explores how the paths of post-modernism and progressive Christianity lead to a different gospel, and a god created in our own image.
"But we preach Christ Crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness..." (1 Cor. 1:23)
Some Questions We Will Address:
- We often hear the phrase, “Jesus died for our sins.” What does that mean?
- Is the God of the Old Testament the same as the God in the New Testament?
- Did God the Father kill Jesus?
- Can a loving God also express wrath?
- Why is hell necessary?
This class will be located in the Sanctuary.

Sunday School Class Option 2
January 12 - February 16
Teacher: Pastor Dave Mobley
Description: During part 1 we talked about the attributes of God which belong to God only. Part 2 we will be looking at attributes of God which we are called to reflect in Christ Jesus. One primary source for our class will be "In His Image" by Jen Wilkin. Copies If you would like to get a head start, we have some copies available in the bookstore.
This class will be held in the D Rooms