Serving Opportunities

Youth Group Meals
Sign up for the opportunity to serve or donate a meal for our Youth Group dinners on Wednesday Nights!

Meal Trains
Join the email list to be sent the Meal Trains as they come out for those who are going through big life events and need some help!

Ruby's Pantry
Serve our community the third Thursday of the month through our Ruby's Pantry Ministry.

Operation Christmas Child
We are a collection site for our area! We are looking for people to use their gifts to help with collection week in November! Contact Jackie or Paul Warner to see how you can get plugged in!

Hospitality Team
Inquire about the different ways you can serve on Sunday mornings! Positions include greeting, Connection Point, coffee team and more!

Decorate as needed in the café, foyer and sanctuary for the seasons
and holidays.

Seasoned Saints Senior Lunches
Want to help plan different events and experiences for the seniors in the church? Our Seasoned Saints meet monthly and would love new ideas.

Grounds Team
In the summer months, we have a schedule of volunteers who mow the grass, as well as volunteers who help take care of the landscaping! Want to join the team? We would love to have you!

Special Events Team
FCC hosts many events and we need help setting up, tearing down, serving and more! If you wish to join the team, sign up here!

Covenant Meeting Team
Every quarter our Covenant Members gather together for a meal and updates. We could use help getting ready for these events.

KidZone Ministry
Inquire about the different ways you can serve in Children's Ministry. Nursery, Check-In Desk, Worship Leaders, Teachers and More!

FCC Youth Ministry
Inquire about the ways you can help on Wednesday nights with our Youth Ministry: 6th-12th Graders! We are always looking for people who love Christ who are ready and willing to pour into our youth!

FCC Wishlist
As our ministries continue to grow, and our spaces continue to be transformed, we have created an "FCC Wishlist" for you to be a part of the process. Click the link below to see what some of our needs are here at FCC. Thank you!

1 Peter 4:10
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.